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western birch Scientific Name Betula occidentalis Family Birch Plant Type Tree Weed No |
salt heliotrope Scientific Name Heliotropium curassavicum L. Family Borage Plant Type Shrub Native Yes Weed No |
birdnest buckwheat Scientific Name Eriogonum nidularium Coville Family Buckwheat Plant Type Forb Native Yes Weed No |
parsnip-flowered buckwheat Scientific Name Eriogonum heracleoides Family Buckwheat Short Description parsnip-flowered buckwheat (Eriogonum heracleoides) Native Yes Weed No |
thymeleaf buckwheat Scientific Name Eriogonum thymoides Family Buckwheat Native Yes Weed No |
bicolor larkspur Scientific Name Delphinium bicolor Family Buttercup Native Yes Weed No |
little larkspur Scientific Name Delphinium bicolor Family Buttercup Plant Type Herb Native Yes Weed No |
sugar bowl Scientific Name Clematis hirsutissima Family Buttercup Plant Type Herb Native Yes Weed No |
golden beeplant Scientific Name Cleome platycarpa Family Caper Native Yes Weed No |
golden spiderflower Scientific Name Cleome platycarpa Family Caper Native Yes Weed No |
brickellbush Scientific Name Brickellia sp. Family Composites, Sunflower Native Yes Weed No |
Cusick's Sunflower Scientific Name Helianthus cusickii Family Composites, Sunflower Native Yes Weed No |
limestone hawksbeard Scientific Name Crepis intermedia Family Composites, Sunflower Native Yes Weed No |
silver sagebrush Scientific Name Artemisia cana Family Composites, Sunflower Short Description perennial Native Yes Weed No |
threenerve fleabane Scientific Name Erigeron subtrinervis Family Composites, Sunflower Native Yes Weed No |
threetip sagebrush Scientific Name Artemisia tripartita Family Composites, Sunflower Plant Type Shrub Native Yes Weed No |
white sage brush Scientific Name Artemisia ludoviciana Family Composites, Sunflower Plant Type Shrub Native Yes Weed No |
white sage brush Scientific Name Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. ludoviciana Family Composites, Sunflower Native Yes Weed No |
white sagebrush Scientific Name Artemisia ludoviciana Family Composites, Sunflower Plant Type Shrub Native Yes Weed No |
white sagebrush Scientific Name Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. ludoviciana Family Composites, Sunflower Native Yes Weed No |
wormwood Scientific Name Artemisia ludoviciana Family Composites, Sunflower Plant Type Shrub Native Yes Weed No |
Booths evening-primrose Scientific Name Camissonia boothii Family Evening Primrose Plant Type Forb Native Yes Weed No |
Cusick's beartongue Scientific Name Penstemon cusickii Family Figwort or Snapdragon Plant Type Herb Native Yes Weed No |
Cusick's penstemon Scientific Name Penstemon cusickii Family Figwort or Snapdragon Plant Type Herb Native Yes Weed No |
shadscale saltbush Scientific Name Atriplex confertifolia Family Goosefoot Plant Type Shrub Native Yes Weed No |
Indian ricegrass Scientific Name Achnatherum hymenoides Family Grass Plant Type Grass Short Description perennial Native Yes Weed No |
squirreltail Scientific Name Elymus elymoides Family Grass Plant Type Grass Native Yes Weed No |
dwarf onion Scientific Name Allium parvum Family Lily Native Yes Weed No |
small onion Scientific Name Allium parvum Family Lily Native Yes Weed No |
swamp onion Scientific Name Allium madidum Family Lily Native Yes Weed No |
Oregon checkerbloom Scientific Name Sidalcea oregana Family Mallow Native Yes Weed No |
Oregon checker-mallow Scientific Name Sidalcea oregana Family Mallow Native Yes Weed No |
marsh yellowcress Scientific Name Rorippa islandica Family Mustard Native Yes Weed No |
yellow alyssum Scientific Name Alyssum alyssoides Family Mustard Native Yes Weed No |
desert parsley Scientific Name Lomatium dissectum Family Parsley Plant Type Forb Native Yes Weed No |
fernleaf biscuitroot Scientific Name Lomatium dissectum Family Parsley Plant Type Forb Native Yes Weed No |
fern-leafed desert parsley Scientific Name Lomatium dissectum Family Parsley Plant Type Forb Native Yes Weed No |
fern-leafed lomatium Scientific Name Lomatium dissectum Family Parsley Plant Type Forb Native Yes Weed No |
Hayden's cymopterus Scientific Name Cymopterus bipinnatus Family Parsley Native Yes Weed No |
Douglas fir Scientific Name Pseudotsuga menziesii Family Pine Plant Type Tree Short Description Needles around stem, tounges on cones. Leaves: Needles singular Location McCall Native Yes Weed No |
Englemann spruce Scientific Name Picea engelmannii Family Pine Plant Type Tree Short Description Spire shaped tree, 4 angled needles. Leaves: Sharp needles Location McCall Native Yes Weed No |
grand fir Scientific Name Abies grandis Family Pine Plant Type Tree Short Description Intergrades with white fir. Leaves: Needles, singular Location McCall Native Yes Weed No |
limber pine Scientific Name Pinus flexilis Family Pine Plant Type Tree Native Yes Weed No |
lodgepole pine Scientific Name Pinus contorta Family Pine Plant Type Tree Short Description Medium length needles, thin bark, small cones. Leaves: needles in 2's Location McCall Native Yes Weed No |
ponderosa pine Scientific Name Pinus ponderosa Family Pine Plant Type Tree Short Description Long needled, thick puzzle bark. Leaves: Needles in 3's Location McCall Native Yes Weed No |
subalpine fir Scientific Name Abies lasiocarpa Family Pine Plant Type Tree Short Description Found in the central mountains of Idaho above McCall and elsewhere. Location McCall and many locations Native Yes Weed No |
western hemlock Scientific Name Tsuga heterophylla Family Pine Plant Type Tree Native Yes Weed No |
western larch Scientific Name Larix occidentalis Family Pine Plant Type Tree Location McCall Native Yes Weed No |
prairie starflower Scientific Name Lithophragma parviflorum Family Saxifrage Native Yes Weed No |
false strawberry Scientific Name Hesperochiron pumilus Family Waterleaf Native Yes Weed No |
black willow Scientific Name Salix nigra Family Willow Plant Type Tree Native Yes Weed No |
eastern cottonwood Scientific Name Populus deltoides Family Willow Plant Type Tree Native Yes Weed No |
great plains cottonwood Scientific Name Populus deltoides Family Willow Plant Type Tree Native Yes Weed No |
necklace poplar Scientific Name Populus deltoides Family Willow Plant Type Tree Native Yes Weed No |
quaking aspen Scientific Name Populus tremuloides Family Willow Plant Type Tree Location McCall and many locations Native Yes Weed No |
willow Scientific Name Salix sp. Family Willow Plant Type Shrub Location McCall and many locations Native Yes Weed No |
showy goldeneye Scientific Name Heliomeris multiflora Short Description Annual to weak perennial. Native Yes Weed No |